The Hugo Group

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Included in this section are presentation slides used at the monthly Hugo Group meetings.

  • Contents

  • Date

  • Download

  • Economics briefing May 19 2017 / Stephen Toplis

    RBNZ in denial

  • May 19

  • 593k
  • Economics briefing May 10 2017 / Stephen Toplis

    Why the RBNZ should tighten

  • May 10

  • 552k
  • Political update May 10 2017 / Pattrick Smellie

  • May 10

  • 107k
  • UMR Research presentation April 12 2017 /

    Stephen Mills, company principal of UMR polling company, presented on their most recent political, economic and mood of the nation polling.

  • April 12

  • 3M
  • Acumen Republic Trust Barometer 2017 / Michael Dunlop and Bronwyn Millar

    SPECIAL BRIEFING: NZ AND THE GLOBAL TRUST DEFICITAcumen Republic, Hugo members and affiliates of the global communications marketing firm Edelman, brief us on the state of trust among NZers in the institutions of government, business, ngos and the media and how this compares globally. The Edelman Global Trust Barometer has been running for 17 years and has grown to cover 30 countries. This is the second year Acumen has funded NZ’s inclusion in this research. Are we part of the global trust collapse, or do our somewhat sunnier prospects make us an outlier?

  • March 22

  • 9M
  • Economics briefing Feb 21 & 24 2017 / Craig Ebert

    Growth – peaking / Inflation – picking up / FISCAL focus

  • February 24

  • 1M
  • Political update February 2017 / Pattrick Smellie

    New numbers, new deals

  • February 24

  • 139k
  • Economics briefing Feb 9 & 10 2017 / Stephen Toplis

    Nirvana: Growth and No Inflation

  • February 09

  • 6M
  • Political update February 9 & 10 2017 / Pattrick Smellie

    And they’re off

  • February 09

  • 131k
  • Economics briefing October 2016 / Stephen Toplis

    Housing in Perspective

  • October 19

  • 2M