The Hugo Group

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Included in this section are presentation slides used at the monthly Hugo Group meetings.

  • Contents

  • Date

  • Download

  • Economics briefing March 16 2016 / Stephen Toplis

    Why Did The RBNZ Cut Rates?

    – Global growth slump

    – Falling inflation expectations

  • March 16

  • 977k
  • Political briefing February 26 2016 / Pattrick Smellie

    Trust – global and local

  • February 26

  • 4M
  • Political briefing February 17 2016 / Pattrick Smellie

    Political roundup

  • February 17

  • 1M
  • Economics briefing Feb 17 & 26 2016 / Stephen Toplis

    The conundrum continues

  • February 17

  • 2M
  • Political briefing February 3 2016 / Pattrick Smellie

    Trust, TPP and the future of work

  • February 03

  • 3M
  • Economics briefing January 2016 / Stephen Toplis

    Same Old Uncertainties 2016

  • January 29

  • 2M
  • Economics briefing December 2015 / Stephen Toplis

    RBNZ Choice

  • December 04

  • 3M
  • Economics briefing October 2015 / Stephen Toplis

    Of Hawks and Doves

  • October 16

  • 2M
  • September 18 2015 political issues update / Pattrick Smellie

  • September 18

  • 398k
  • September 9 2015 political issues update / Pattrick Smellie

  • September 09

  • 501k