The Hugo Group

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Included in this section are presentation slides used at the monthly Hugo Group meetings.

  • Contents

  • Date

  • Download

  • Economics briefing Sept 2015 / Stephen Toplis

    Latest developments

  • September 04

  • 2M
  • Motu Note #21: The Material Wellbeing of Nations / Arthur Grimes and Sean Hyland

  • August 11

  • 357k
  • The Material Wellbeing of Nations / Arthur Grimes

  • August 11

  • 762k
  • Consensus Confounded: Why Global Growth is Slowing / Andrew Hunt, consultant economist

  • July 21

  • NAN
  • July 2015 Global Economic Outlook / Andrew Hunt

  • July 21

  • 4M
  • July 2015 five year economics outlook / Stephen Toplis

  • July 21

  • 4M
  • June 2015 political issues update / Pattrick Smellie

  • June 16

  • 113k
  • June 2015 economics briefing / Stephen Toplis

    Unjustifiable and Unsustainable: The New Zealand Housing Market? The Exchange Rate? (Or should that just be unsustainable?)

  • June 16

  • 2M
  • June 2015 economics briefing / Craig Ebert

  • June 12

  • 894k
  • Post-Budget 2015 briefing / Hon Bill English

  • May 27

  • 333k