The Hugo Group

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Included in this section are presentation slides used at the monthly Hugo Group meetings.

  • Contents

  • Date

  • Download

  • Economic briefing November 2019 / Stephen Toplis

    China insight

  • November 15

  • 2M
  • Economic briefing November 4 2019 / Craig Ebert

    Under pressure

  • November 04

  • 705k
  • Economic briefing October 2019 / Stephen Toplis

    NZ: Under Pressure

  • October 17

  • 605k
  • Political briefing August 7 & 9 2019 / Pattrick Smellie

    Pre-election jousting begins

  • August 07

  • 2M
  • Economic briefing August 7 & 9 2019 / Stephen Toplis

    Current state of the labour market

  • August 07

  • 1M
  • UMR Research briefing July 16 2019 / Stephen Mills

    Recent political, economic and mood of the nation polling

  • July 16

  • 11M
  • Economic briefing May 2 & 3 2019 / Stephen Toplis

    State of the Labour Market

  • May 02

  • 1M
  • Economic briefing April 2 & 5 April / Stephen Toplis

    So many questions!

  • April 02

  • 682k
  • Political briefing March 2019 / Pattrick Smellie

    Potholes and bear-traps

  • March 13

  • 277k
  • Economic briefing March 2019 / Stephen Toplis

    NZ is not Australia

  • March 13

  • 5M