The Hugo Group

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Included in this section are presentation slides used at the monthly Hugo Group meetings.

  • Contents

  • Date

  • Download

  • Economics briefing Feb 13 2019 / Stephen Toplis

    Labour market still tight

  • February 13

  • 4M
  • Economics briefing January 2019 / Craig Ebert

    Think global, act local

  • January 25

  • 10M
  • Political briefing January 25 2018 / Pattrick Smellie

    The political year ahead

  • January 25

  • 924k
  • Economic briefing December 2018 / Stephen Toplis

    Activity defying confidence

  • December 05

  • 5M
  • Political briefing December 2018 / Pattrick Smellie

    National – not dead yet?

  • December 05

  • 11M
  • Political briefing November 7 2018 / Pattrick Smellie

    Current Political Issues

  • November 07

  • 322k
  • Economics briefing Nov 2018 / Stephen Toplis

    Construction Outlook 2018

  • November 07

  • 6M
  • Economics briefing October 2018 / Stephen Toplis

    Growth & Inflation Surprise – as confidence tumbles

  • October 17

  • 9M
  • Geopolitics, New Zealand and the Winds of Change / Adrian Orr

    A speech delivered to the ‘Shaping Futures National Conference’ Financial Services Council in Auckland

  • September 07

  • 859k
  • Economics briefing September 6 & 7 2018 / Stephen Toplis

    Market Angling For Rate Cut

  • September 06

  • 6M