The Hugo Group

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Environment Canterbury (Transitional Governance Arrangements) Bill

This bill creates a mix of appointed and elected representatives for the Canterbury Regional Council from 2016-2019. Environment Minister Nick Smith says the bill will allow for transition to a fully elected council in 2019 following the Government appointing commissioners in 2010 over its handling of water issues. Also provides for the continuation of some of the modified resource management processes on water issues in the region included limited rights of appeal. Completed its first reading on October 13 with the support of National, Maori Party and ACT, and sent to the Local Government and Environment Committee with a shortened deadline report back date of February 15. Reported back on February 15 with minor amendments including representation of Ngai Tahu  on the transitional governing body. Labour and the Greens presented dissenting minority reports opposed to the bill in principle and much of the detail. Completed its committee stage on April 5 in the face of strong opposition. National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future backed the bill. Third reading passed on May 5 with just United Future joining other parties to oppose the bill.  Environment Canterbury (Transitional Governance Arrangements) Bill