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Crown Minerals Amendment Bill

Introduced on April 5. Amongst the changes; it clarifies time frames for notifying the revocation of permits, clarifies processes in relation to changes of control of permit participants, clarifies an access arrangement is needed for access to Schedule 4 land for minimum impact activities, clarifies which Ministers enter into access arrangements in respect of Crown land and land in the common marine and coastal area and allows delegation of the Minister’s powers in relation to licences granted under the Mining Act.First reading completed on May 3 with all parties in agreement and referred to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. A number of Labour MPs indicated further reform of the principal Act was in prospect.Reported back on Nov 2 with minor changes. Second reading completed on Dec 6 and Committee stage on Dec 12. All parties in support. Third reading completed on Feb 13. Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods indicated a wider review of the Act would begin shortly. Crown Minerals Amendment Bill