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Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill

Introduced on Sept 24. The Bill puts into law the Government’s announcement in April ending the issuing of new permits for offshore oil and gas exploration. New permits will only be allowed in the onshore Taranaki area until a review of this in 2020. New onshore petroleum exploration permit holders will be able to access conservation land only for minimum impact activities. Future offshore petroleum mining permits may be granted only to offshore petroleum exploration permits that existed before the Bill comes into force. First reading on Sept 26 with National and ACT opposed. Bill sent to the Environment Committee with a deadline for report back on Oct 29.Reported back on Oct 29 with National saying in a minority report it would repeal the Bill if returned to Government. Second reading completed on Nov 1. Committee stage completed Nov 6 and third reading on Nov 7 with no changes in parties positions. Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill