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Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2)

Introduced on Nov 30. It makes amendments across a range of matters in the Education and Training Act 2020 to give effect to new policy decisions such as giving the govt greater flexibility to regulate compulsory student services fees charged by tertiary education providers and a range of minor and technical changes. First reading on Dec 14. Opposed by National and Act. The objections included the breadth of ministerial powers to to amend or revoke licence conditions of early childhood education providers and other moves which would discourage small business educators from establishing centres. Sent to the education and workforce committee. Reported back on April 12 with inclusion of further amendments from the govt concerning early childhood education regulation. National remained opposed. Second reading on May 17 with National and Act opposed. Committee stage completed on July 26 and third reading on July 27 with no change in parties position.
Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2)