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Education and Training Bill

Introduced on Dec 2. The 500 page Bill rewrites and updates the Education Act and related legislation. Parts of the law will be set into a new regulatory framework. Policy changes included a new licensing regime for early education centre, clarifications about the use of restraint and discipline in schools, as well as new rules for boards of trustees including incorporating Treaty obligations. First reading on Dec 5 with National and ACT opposed. National said it supported parts of the Bill, but had concerns about some areas including changes to the roles boards of trustees and in particular around zoning and enrolments. It also feared ECE changes would results in reduced services. Bill sent to the Education and Workforce Committee. Reported back on June 8 with a large number of changes and National still expressing misgivings. Second reading on June 24 with National and ACT opposed. Committee stage and third reading completed under Urgency on July 27 with National and ACT still opposed.Education and Training Bill