The Hugo Group

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Employment Relations (Allowing Higher Earners to Contract Out of Personal Grievance Provisions) Amendment Bill

A Bill in the name of National MP Scott Simpson drawn from the Ballot on December 8, 2016. It amends the Employment Relations Act to allow employees with an annual gross salary over $150,000 to contract out of personal grievance provisions. First reading completed on March 22 with National, ACT and United Future in support. Bill referred to the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee. Reported back on August 15 with a number of amendments, but the basic intent unchanged. Labour and NZ First wrote minority views opposing the Bill. Second reading debate interupted on Nov 29 with Labour speakers indicating the Govt parties would vote it down. Debate completed on Dec 13 and voted down. Employment Relations (Allowing Higher Earners to Contract out of Personal Grievance Provisions) Amendment Bill