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Equal Pay Amendment Bill

Introduced on Sept 19. The Bill establishes a process for pay equity claims and prohibits differentiation based on sex in the pay offered to employees for work that is predominately performed by women and has been historically or currently undervalued. It enables employees to raise claims relating to sex discrimination in employment; and sets out the process for resolving a pay equity claim. It permits the courts or the Employment Relations Authority to award an amount of back pay in a pay equity determination. First reading on October 16 with all parties in support and referred to the Education and Workforce Committee with a report due by April 16 2019. Report back extended to May 14. Reported back on May 14 with a large number of changes around definitions, eligibility and procedures. Second reading on June 24 with all parties in support. Committee stage and third reading completed under Urgency on July 22 with all parties in support. Equal Pay Amendment Bill