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Fair Trading Amendment Bill

Introduced on Dec 17 2019. The Bill amends the Fair Trading Act to create a new offence of unconscionable conduct in trade. It also extends the Act’s existing protections against unfair contract terms in standard form consumer contracts to also apply to small trade contracts of less than $250,000 in any 12-month period. First reading on Feb 12 2020 opposed by National and ACT saying they were unhappy with aspects of the Bill, most notably the lack of definition around unconscionable conduct. Sent to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee. It was discharged from the select committee as it it was not reported back in time, meaning its reinstatement from the last Parliament lapsed after the report back date was not met. As a result there was no select committee report. Second reading on June 2 with the govt saying it would make a number of changes in the committee stage to take into account the select committee’s consideration. Opposed by National and ACT who said the Bill should be sent back to select committee for a full report. Committee stage completed on June 22. Third reading completed on Aug 10 with National and ACT still opposed.



Fair Trading Amendment Bill