The Hugo Group

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Farm Debt Mediation Bill (No 2)

Introduced on June 18. Originally a member’s bill in the name of NZ First MP Darroch Ball, but this was discharged and then adopted by the govt. It will establish a farm debt mediation scheme requiring creditors with security interests in farm property to offer mediation to farmers before taking an enforcement action in relation to that debt, and allow farmers to initiate statutory mediation with a secured creditor. First reading on June 27 and sent to the Primary Production Committee with the support of all parties. Reported back on Oct 30 with a large number of changes in detail, but the intent maintained. Second reading on Nov 12 and committee stage on Nov 19 with National supporting but expressing doubts about how it would work in practice. Third reading completed on Dec 10 with all parties in support.  Farm Debt Mediation Bill (No 2)