The Hugo Group

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Food (Continuation of Dietary Supplements Regulations) Amendment Bill

Introduced on May 12, 2020.The bill extends the expiry date of the Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985 by 5 years, from 1 March 2021 to 1 March 2026 to maintain consumer access to dietary supplements until a fit-for-purpose regulatory regime is ready to put in place. First reading on May 27 and sent to the Primary Production Committee with all parties in support. Report back due by Feb 11, 2021. Reported back on Dec 17 with no changes. Second reading on Feb 10 supported by all parties, but with a number of Opposition MPs questioning why it would take another five years to reform the regime. Committee stage and third reading completed on Feb 18 with all parties in support.
Food (Continuation of Dietary Supplements Regulations) Amendment Bill