The Hugo Group

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Friendly Societies and Credit Unions (Regulatory Improvements) Amendment Bill

Member’s Bill in the name of National MP Stuart Smith drawn from the ballot on April 13.  It amends the Friendly Societies and Credit Unions Act 1982, and is intended to remove unnecessary operating and compliance costs for credit unions by promoting greater efficiency, innovation, and accountability. It would bring credit unions into alignment with other financial service providers but is intended to maintain the element of mutuality and the requirement of a common bond between members. First reading completed on June 7 with all parties in support and sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee for consideration. Report back extended to May 4. Reported back on May 4 with a number of amendments including those around the ability of the organisations to offer securities. Second reading completed on May 16 with all parties in support. Committee stage completed on June 13.Third reading completed on June 27. Friendly Societies and Credit Unions (Regulatory Improvements) Amendment Bill