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Gambling Amendment Bill (No 3)

Given a first reading on November 6 2014 by 108 to 11 with NZ First opposed. Seeks to increase transparency of grant-making from the proceeds of Class 4 gambling; reduce potential conflicts of interest situations between Class 4 gambling operators (societies), venues, and grant recipients; improve transparency surrounding management companies that provide societies with services; simplify compliance and reduce costs for societies and venue owners; and ensure the efficiency of the appeals process is not undermined. Now before the Government Administration Committee. Submissions closedon Jan 30 2015 with its report due by May 6 2015. Report delayed until May 11.  Reported back from select committee and received its second reading on June 4 by 93 to 28 with the Greens, NZ First and Maori Party opposed. Committee Stage interrupted on Sept 24 and was given its third reading on October 15 with Green , NZ First and  Maori Party opposed.Gambling Amendment Bill (No 3)