The Hugo Group

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Greater Christchurch Regeneration Bill

Introduced on October 19. The bill  provides a new legal framework to support the regeneration of greater Christchurch over the next 5 years. Replaces the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 to increase the role of local leadership and shift focus from recovery  to regeneration. Received first reading on voice vote on October 22. Opposition parties supported the thrust of the bill, but indicated there would be debate over detail. Select committee reported back on  February 25 with Labour, Greens and NZ First opposing arguing it left too much power in the hands of central government and not enough with local councils. On March 16 Gerry Brownlee announced changes would be made to the bill after talks with Opposition parties over the role of local councils and they would now be voting for it. As a result the bill completed its second reading on March 17 on a voice vote. The agreed amendments were introduced in the committee stage on March 29 and the bill completed its third reading on March 31 by general agreement. Greater Christchurch Regeneration Bill