The Hugo Group

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Holidays (Increasing Sick Leave) Amendment Bill

Introduced on Dec1, 2020 under Urgency. The Bill increases a qualifying employee’s sick leave entitlement from 5 to 10 days’ sick leave per 12-month period. Currently, a qualifying employee may carry over up to 15 days’ of unused sick leave. The Bill keeps the maximum current entitlement as 20 days. Opposed by National and ACT referred to the Education and Workforce Committee with a report back by April 6, 2021. Reported back on Mach 25 without amendment. National opposed the Bill proceeding. The Greens support the Bill but raised concerns about how long an employee had to work before qualifying for sick leave and other issues. The Committee report also notes a number of issues it believes are worth ministerial attention including the accumulation of sick leave. Second reading completed on May 5. Committee stage May 18 and third reading on May 29. National and ACT opposed throughout. Holidays (Increasing Sick Leave) Amendment Bill