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Land Transport Amendment Bill No 2

Introduced on Sept 12. The Bill makes various changes to the Land Transport Bill. This includes the use of alcohol interlocks, strengthening the management of  public transport fare evasion,  deterrents to reduce the incidence of fleeing drivers, changes to heavy vehicle regulation, change the regulatory framework for small passenger services (including the issues raised by the Uber model), and a range of minor amendments. Completed first reading on Sept 15 on a voice vote and referred to the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee for consideration. Reported back on March 15 with a minor name change (Land Transport Amendment Bill No2) and other changes. These include amendments to satisfy Bill of Rights concerns and many technical matters. Labour indicated concerns about the safety aspects of passenger services reforms. Second reading completed on May 24 with Labour MPs supporting but expressing concern about a less regulated regime for ‘Uber’ style passenger services. NZ First opposed the Bill saying the rules applied to traditional taxi drivers should be applied to Uber drivers. Committee stage completed on August 2 and third reading on August 3 with just NZ First opposed. Land Transport Amendment Bill