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Minimum Wage (Contractor Remuneration) Amendment Bill

A bill in the name of Labour MP David Parker drawn from the ballot on June 4. It provides for contractors to be paid not less than the minimum wage. First reading debate interrupted on July 22 and completed on August 12. National opposed saying they agreed with the principle but the bill would have negative unintended consequences. Peter Dunne and the Maori Party joined Opposition parties to send the bill to the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee for consideration by 61 to 60. Submissions close on September 29 with a report due by February 12By agreement the report back deadline was extended to April 29, 2016. Report back deadline pushed back again to June 30. Reported back on June 29. Committee divided, but National’s majority membership voted the bill should  not proceed arguing it would cause more problems than it would fix and abuse of contractors was best dealt with under current employment law. They also argued the proposed law would be complex and costly for employers and contractors who did not need the protection. Both Labour and NZ First MPs argued the bill should proceed saying it would crack down on employers abusing employment law. Second reading debate held on August 10 and progressed by 61 to 60 with Peter Dunne and the Maori Party still continuing to support Labour’s bill. Labour has indicated it will make a number of amendments at committee stage after they were blocked from making them in the select committee process. They believe these changes will take the edge off concerns held on the bill. Bill defeated and negated at the committee stage. Peter Dunne joined National and ACT in opposing the bill after intense lobbying. Dunne described the campaign targeting him as ill-informed bullying. The Government promised Dunne it would use current regulatory tools to clamp down on abuse of contractors in exchange for his support.  Minimum Wage (Contractor Remuneration) Amendment Bill