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Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Amendment Bill

Introduces a plain packaging regime for tobacco products modelled on Australia’s legislative package for tobacco plain packaging, modified to fit New Zealand circumstances. The bill is drafted to be brought into force either by Order in Council or, at the latest, 18 months after receiving Royal Assent. This is to allow detailed regulations to be drawn up. Introduced Dec 17 2013 and received first reading on Feb 11 by 118 to 1 with John Banks opposing. NZ First indicated support limited to select committee at this stage only. Bill referred to Health Committee, however Govt has indicated it will not pass into law until legal action in Australia against similar legislation is completed. Submissions closed March 28. Reported back from select committee on August 5, 2014 with a number of minor changes including a name change to the Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Standardised Packaging) Amendment Bill. NZ First expressed opposition to the bill. Second reading debate completed on June 30, 2016 by 108 to 13. The Government said it would finalise regulations under the Bill after consultation ended at the end of July. Labour and the Greens said the Government had moved too slowly. NZ First and ACT opposed. Completed its committee stage on August 24 changes included a new name from the Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Amendment Bill to the Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Standardised Packaging) Amendment Bill. Third reading completed on Sept 8 opposed by NZ First and ACT. Ministers expressed confidence any legal action would be successfully defended.   Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Amendment Bill