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Standards and Accreditation Bill

Introduced July 22 2014. Amends and consolidates the law relating to standards and accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, and repeals and replaces the Standards Act 1988 and the Testing Laboratory Registration Act 1972. Establishes a new independent statutory board to approve New Zealand Standards and new arrangements for Standards development and approval, and minor amendments to the institutional arrangements for the Testing Laboratory Registration Council. A new independent statutory officer will be set up within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to oversee the development of Standards. The bill also amends the Copyright Act to preserve existing intellectual property in Standards. Received its first reading on Nov 4 with general support, though some expressed concern about the independent nature of standards setting being compromised with work being done by MoBIE. Submissions due before the Commerce Committee by January 15, 2015. Reported back with amendments on March 31 with amendments. Labour and others have concerns the independence of the standards setting process may be compromised by the reorganisation and the links with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Completed second reading on May 19 with just National, ACT and United Future in favourCommittee stage of the bill completed on June 30 with some amendments, but no movement on support. Third reading completed on October 15 with just National, ACT and United Future supporting with no change in positions. Standards and Accreditation Bill